ISBN: 978-2-493844-00-2
Price: 12 USD/EUR
In 2004, the Vatican released the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, a document summarizing the Catholic Church’s position regarding various social issues, human rights and peace, as well as the attitude Catholics should adopt towards them.

Christians for National Liberation is an organization of priests, nuns, pastors and seminarians in the Philippines and part of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. CNL released this Commentary on the Compendium on its 50th anniversary to facilitate the teachings of the Bible and the life of Jesus from the perspective of Christian duty in the face of tyranny.

“It has been said many times and my response has always been that, if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians. Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide. Not demagogues, not Barabbas, but the people, the poor, whether they have faith in a transcendent God or not. It is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom.”
—Pope Francis, Vatican City, November 11, 2016.